Annelie Vandendael
ENGELS - The woman as she is
Annelie Vandendael continues to work on her thesis, with which she obtained her
master's degree in photography in 2011. Continuing onwards, her focus remains on
the representation of women, a theme that has gained attention in society since the
turn of the twenty-first century. The image of the female ideal demanded a shift in
which women recognize their natural beauty. Annelie consistently chooses to
photograph women as they are, without editing. In this way she wants to represent
women in a realistic way, with which many can identify.
Looking at Annelie’s photographs is like stepping into the world of the women in the
pictures. The models are absorbed in the decor in which they find themselves, with
their bodies and clothing in correspondence to the colors of the landscape of which
they become part. In her photos she depicts the woman as she is, unique and
playful. The face is often hidden behind an object. The eyes cannot be looked at
which turns the models into archetypes with which many female viewers can relate.
By embracing small imperfections such as a bikini stripe, a birthmark or strands of
hair caught in the wind, the photographer guards the authentic representation of
each woman. The choice to work with close friends ensures that there is a very good
coordination and understanding between the models and the photographer.
The ‘now moment’ / This moment in time
Annelie reduces her images to their essence. In the middle of an overgrowing visual
culture, she delivers exceptionally pure work. Her preference and dedication to work
with Hasselblad makes the pictures tangible. The grain that characterizes the
analogue photographs evokes the texture of the skin, adding a tactile quality. As
each shot is taken, the photographer looks down through the viewfinder into the
camera and as she captures the moment, she feels part of the action. The focus is
sharp, everything revolves around the 'now moment' / this moment in time.
Travel is an important part of the creative process. The destination itself is usually
abstracted, and functions primarily as a backdrop where the women are placed in
desolate landscapes in an almost graphic manner. Namibia was the chosen
destination for this series. The photos reflect the duality of the uniqueness of each
person and at the same time the equality as a human being. The choice of a white
and a black woman posing together makes the nuances in skin type visible,
sometimes in contrast and then again intertwined as a unit. They distinguish
themselves and at the same time they complement each other in a balanced image.
Their sensitivity and pure femininity is paramount.
Color plays an important role in Annelie's work. She evokes within the viewer a
feeling of playfulness, cheerfulness, life energy. Each photo exudes beauty: blue
skies that take up large parts of the image and lift the women with it. They arise as
characters from a pencil drawing on paper and end up in well-chosen positions with
clear shapes and lines in the frame.
Animals in the pictures provide elements of coincidence. They display synchronous
poses next to the models and portray sensitivity and humor. Human and animal
bodies flow into each other. The images touch the viewer, they evoke a world of
emotion, while at the same time the aesthetic transcends social themes such as
diversity or gender.
The atmosphere is reminiscent of Magritte's surrealism. The same well-chosen lines
can be found in the composition of the images.
Over the years, the photographer was inspired by movie directors such as Pedro
Almodóvar, Wes Anderson (The French Dispatch, Moonrise kingdom, Grand
Budapest Hotel) and Wim Wenders (Pina Bausch). Annelie Vandendael makes each
picture a gem full of sensitivity, precision and humor. In her artwork she shows
interpersonal relationships in an abstract and stunning way.
Annelie's photographic work creates a point of serenity, a world at a standstill: time
evaporates between the photographer and her models, which the viewer can witness
later on. The new series will be shown in galleries internationally. The deepening of
the imagery of women is a project that evolves throughout time and space along with
the perception of women in the world.
'Soit belle' summarizes what Annelie Vandendael's new series stands for: be
yourself, be beautiful.
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